Hi! My name is Quynh Nguyen. I'm a PhD student in Autonomous Research Group, Electrical Engineering Department, University of Southern California. My advisor is Professor Bhaskar Krisnamachari .
I received my B.S. in Electronics and Telecommunications in University of Science, Vietnam National University.
Research interests
I'm interested in Vehicular Networks and Network Optimization. Currently, I'm working on mobility model about vehicle to vehicle communication in vehicular networks.
University of Southern California
2011 - present
EE-465: Probabilistic Methods in Computer Systems Modeling
EE-450: Introduction to Computer Networks
CSCI-402: Operating Systems
EE-649: Stochastic Network Optimization
EE-597: Wireless Networks
CSCI-570: Analysis of Algorithms
EE-550: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks
SE-539: Stochastic Elements of Simulation
EE-512: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks
MATH425a: Fundamental Concepts of Analysis
Teaching experiences
EE-450: Introduction to Computer Networks
EE-550: Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks
2010 - present
2010 - present
Vietnam Education Fellowship 2011 - 2016